Let’s Get You Gas Safe for Clarion Housing Group

As a landlord, Clarion is legally required to give its homes an annual gas safety check, but accessing some properties can be challenging.
Claremont developed a communications campaign and helped Clarion make improvements to letters and leaflets, which resulted in their gas safety teams achieving higher rates of first-time access into homes to carry out crucial checks.
Let’s get you gas safe – presented in plain English with a collaborative tone, the campaign explained the process to ease any anxieties or confusion over what was required.
Gas Safety check-ups save lives – where Clarion failed to get access, messaging was carefully escalated to be more assertive whilst remaining positive and empowering. Emotive visuals got attention and reinforced the urgency of getting their safety check done.
Formative research indicated some residents weren’t allowing Clarion’s operatives in right away because they hadn’t opened letters, so the campaign also adopted a ‘please look out for your appointment letter’ message.
Envelopes of appointment letters were redesigned to stand out more. A reminder postcard was sent 5-6 days before the day of the appointment. Residents’ contact options were expanded, such as revamped QR codes for rescheduling gas safety appointments.
Clarion updated their letters as well as their contractors’ letters to make them clearer and hone the messaging to emphasise the importance of gas safety to individuals, but also for neighbours and the wider community.
The campaign, led by Clarion’s in-house comms team, ran across digital media and owned channels, and in a pilot area (Bromley) on radio and bus stop ads.
- 19% increase in first-time access in the pilot area
- Significant reduction in cases passed back to Clarion for escalation following two attempted appointments by the contractor
- High engagement with the campaign’s digital content
- Highly Commended Safety & Compliance Initiative of the Year at the ASCP Awards 2024 + shortlisted Campaign of the Year at UK Housing Awards 2024
And some positive resident feedback:
- “You are positive about ensuring gas safety”
- “It’s clear, simple and to the point”
- “A vital campaign”
- “The idea and explanation has been well thought out”