Issues Blog


  1. Notre just any old cathedral

    Notre-Dame was more than just a tourist attraction – it was, and still is, the symbolic icon of France. And so, when its 12th Century foundations surrendered to the flames…

    Francesca Davis

    Francesca Davis on May 1, 2019

  2. Mind the ‘Green Gap!’

    Making sustainability at work contagious Most people are aware that we should all try to behave in an environmentally friendly way. However, research shows that there’s often a gap…

    Ella Jenkins

    Ella Jenkins on Jan 4, 2019

  3. The power of a good story

    If you’re a company wanting to make a serious impact, just doing good isn’t enough (although it’s a great start); you have to be good at demonstrating it too. Making…

    Lucy Proudfoot

    Lucy Proudfoot on Nov 20, 2017