

  1. 50 shades of greyscale

    Colours influence our physiology and psychology. They affect our autonomic nervous system, memory retrieval/formation, hormonal activity and emotional stimulation. For example, did you know that the…

    Francesca Davis

    Francesca Davis on Feb 17, 2020

  2. Campaign of the month: Pass It On

    In the behaviour change world, passing new legislation to change a default is the equivalent of pressing the nuclear button. But sometimes it’s the right answer – and so this…

    Ian Fannon

    Ian Fannon on Jan 6, 2020

  3. When Mum knows best

    It was an honour to recently present our work at a Save the Children conference in Belfast. I was accompanied by Ashleigh and Heather, two of…

    Ben Caspersz

    Ben Caspersz on Nov 25, 2019