Claremont news Blog


  1. When audience first isn’t enough

    Planning behaviour change campaigns without putting your audience first: a commonly accepted no-no. But how far should you take this? Is it enough to gather insights from research or should…

    Ian Fannon

    Ian Fannon on Jul 30, 2019

  2. Let’s talk about Flex

    We’re extremely proud to announce our partnership with Anna Whitehouse (@Motherpukka) and Mill Road Creative as we join them for the next chapter of the #Flexappeal campaign. #Flexappeal…

    Lucy Proudfoot

    Lucy Proudfoot on Jul 19, 2019

  3. Welcome to Nicky!

    Nicky is an award-winning communications consultant with 20 years’ experience in behaviour change communications, most recently leading social impact campaigns focused on youth, community and sustainability, for Starbucks EMEA. Nicky…

    Ella Jenkins

    Ella Jenkins on Jan 8, 2019