Claremont news Blog


  1. Claremont heads to Flexpo

    We’re thrilled to be joining Sir Robert McAlpine at this year’s Flexpo Digital, where we’ll be  discussing our new research report developed for Anna Whitehouse’s iconic Flex Appeal campaign:…

    Lucy Proudfoot

    Lucy Proudfoot on Oct 16, 2020

  2. When Mum knows best

    It was an honour to recently present our work at a Save the Children conference in Belfast. I was accompanied by Ashleigh and Heather, two of…

    Ben Caspersz

    Ben Caspersz on Nov 25, 2019

  3. Unveiling Stop MS: a proud moment

    Yesterday the MS Society publicly launched its Stop MS Appeal: an immensely ambitious campaign to raise £100m to find treatments for everyone with multiple sclerosis. It’s the biggest campaign…

    Ian Fannon

    Ian Fannon on Oct 8, 2019